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Scoring Document


Disclaimer: 2021 GRESB Infrastructure Assessments

This document was prepared in response to industry feedback and discloses the detailed scoring methodology for all indicators of the 2021 Infrastructure Asset Assessment. The Scoring Document is shared for information purposes in an effort to increase transparency around the Assessment, Methodology and Scoring processes. GRESB reserves the right to make edits to this document during the scoring and analysis period preceding the 2021 results launch.


This document outlines the scoring methodology of the 2021 Infrastructure Asset Assessment. It is shared for information purposes, to provide transparency on the Assessment, Methodology and Scoring processes.

How to read this document

This document provides a breakdown of how each indicator is scored in the 2021 GRESB Infrastructure Asset Assessment. We recommend reading it in conjunction with the Reference Guide, which includes the reporting requirements and validation details for indicators.

Please note the following:

Scoring Methodology

Asset Scoring

The sum of the scores for all indicators adds up to a maximum of 100 points, therefore the overall GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset is an absolute measure of ESG management and performance expressed as a percentage.

The GRESB Infrastructure Asset Assessment is split into two components namely, the Management Component and Performance Component. The overall GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset is the sum of the Management Score - Infrastructure Asset and the Performance Score - Infrastructure Asset:

GRESB Score = Management Score + Performance Score

GRESB Rating

The GRESB Rating is an overall relative measure of ESG management and performance of the asset.

The calculation of the GRESB Rating is based on the GRESB Score and its quintile position relative to the GRESB universe, with annual calibration of the model. If the participant is placed in the top quintile, it will have a GRESB 5‑star rating; if it ranks in the bottom quintile, it will have a GRESB 1‑star rating, etc.

Materiality-based Scoring

GRESB uses Materiality‑based scoring across the Asset Assessment. This process applies the well proven process of materiality assessment to scoring ensuring that all assets are assessed and scored based on the ESG issues that are most material to their circumstances.

The materiality-based scoring process is illustrated in the diagram below.

Materiality Factors

The first part of the process is contained within the GRESB Materiality Assessment indicator (RC7). In this indicator, a set of 15 simple questions relating to Materiality factors are answered using simple drop down selections. For six of the factors, answers are drawn from other indicators RC2, RC3 and RC5. These factors include for example the primary sector of the asset, its primary location, whether it is on contaminated land, and the number of customers it serves. See the GRESB Materiality Assessment indicator (RC7) for details of the materiality factors and their associated questions and answers.

ESG Issues

There are 45 ESG issues in the Asset Assessment (13 Environmental, 16 Social and 16 Governance). Each of the materiality factors is associated with one or more ESG issues, so that as the factor questions are answered, the materiality of the ESG issues is determined. Note that the materiality is fixed for seven of the 45 ESG issues (i.e. they are unaffected by the Materiality factors). There are four possible materiality levels that can be assigned to ESG issues, and these directly translate to a scoring weighting in the Assessment, as follows:

Materiality Weighting
No relevance 0
Low relevance 0
Medium relevance 1
High relevance 2

For the Management Component, the indicators in the aspect ‘Policies’ and six indicators in the aspect ‘Risk management’ are subject to materiality-based scoring. These indicators cover the standard list of (45) Environmental, Social or Governance issues and are scored based on how many of the material issues are addressed. Consider for example, the indicator ‘Policies on environmental issues’ (PO1). Each of the 13 standard Environmental issues will receive a materiality weighting from the GRESB Materiality Assessment.

Performance Component

For the Performance Component, most indicators are subject to materiality-based scoring (only Implementation, Output & Impact and Certification & Awards aspects are not). Each indicator addresses a specific ESG issue, so the materiality weightings from the GRESB Materiality Assessment apply directly to the weighting of each whole indicator.

Indicators relating to ESG issues of High relevance are weighted highly, and Medium relevance moderately. Indicators relating to issues of No or Low relevance are not scored. The weighting of the material (scored) indicators is automatically redistributed to ensure that the Performance Component retains its overall weighting of 60% of the Asset Assessment. In the earlier example of an Asset with a primary sector ‘Renewable power: Solar power generation’, the indicator ‘Air pollution’ will not be scored and more weight will be given to other, material indicators (like Energy). This means that materiality-based scoring brings the focus only on material ESG issues, minimizing the reporting burden for participants.

The Materiality Tool

Whilst the GRESB Materiality Assessment and the whole materiality-based scoring process are straightforward to understand and apply, some participants may want to understand them, and how they apply to their situation, in more detail. GRESB provides an Excel based GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool:. for this purpose. This tool duplicates the materiality-based scoring process embedded in the portal but in an easier and more transparent layout. In addition, the tool provides the ability for participants to record their own view of materiality for each issue and provide associated justification for feedback to GRESB in future refinement of materiality-based scoring. Completed feedback should be sent to the GRESB via the contact form . The tool also contains a ‘Materiality Matrix’ and a ‘Sector Determined’ matrix that transparently link each Materiality factor answer to the relevance for the associated ESG issues. Finally, the tool contains a Scoring and Weighting sheet that shows how indicator weightings are modified by the materiality-based scoring.

Scoring Weightings

The Management component is made up of 5 Aspects, whilst the Performance component consists of 12. The Asset Assessment contains 48 indicators with the exclusion of Entity & Reporting Characteristics. The below weights apply for 2021.

Indicator Scoring

The following is a scoring overview of indicators in the 2021 Infrastructure Asset Assessment. Some general remarks and notes on the structure of indicators:

There are four scoring models used within indicators:

The overall outcome of these models is to generate a fractional score (i.e. between zero and one) which is then multiplied by the indicator weighting (maximum score) to generate the score for the indicator.

Section One (Elements)

Every scored indicator begins with this section which can receive a fractional score (i.e. between zero and one), determined by selections made in checkboxes and radio buttons, and answers provided in open text boxes. Based upon these inputs, fractional scores are calculated using either an aggregated fractions or a diminishing increase in scoring methodology.

Aggregated scoring: For indicators where one or more answers can be selected, fractional scores are awarded cumulatively for each individual selected answer and then aggregated to calculate a final fractional score for the section. In some cases, each checkbox answer may be equally weighted and in others, each checkbox answer may be assigned a higher or lower fractional score each, to reflect best practice responses. For many indicators, the final fractional score is capped at a maximum, which means that it is not necessary to select all checkbox answers in order to receive full points.

Materiality-based scoring: These indicators are similar to Aggregated points, where points are awarded cumulatively for each individual selected answer and then aggregated to calculate a final score for the indicator. Where materiality-based scoring applies, each checkbox answer is weighted to reflect the materiality of the relevant ESG issue, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment.

Diminishing increase in scoring: The idea behind this concept is that the fractional score achieved for each additional data point provided decreases as the number of provided data points increases. This means that the fractional score achieved for the first data point will be higher than the fractional score achieved for the second, which again will be higher than for the third, and so on.

If an indicator is a One Section indicator, the score calculated in this section will also be its final score.

Section 2 (Evidence)

Some indicators require evidence to verify information provided in section 1 (Elements). In these cases, the fractional score for the evidence section acts as a multiplier to the Section 1 fractional score. Mandatory evidence receives a multiplier of zero (0) for no evidence or not-accepted evidence, 0.5 for providing partially accepted evidence and 1 for providing fully accepted evidence. To clarify, the indicator will receive no points unless the hyperlink and/or uploaded document is considered valid (i.e. partially and/or fully accepted).

The final indicator score is then calculated as:

The total indicator score is then calculated as:

Indicator score = Indicator score = (Section 1 fractional score) X (Section 2 multiplier) X Indicator weighting

Example of indicator level scoring:

Example: LE6 indicator

3.55 points , G

This indicator is split into three sections represented by two fractions and an "x" in the far-left column. The first section addresses the predetermined financial consequences of performance targets and the employee group(s) to which they apply, and the second section covers the non-financial consequences.The final section allows for scoring of evidence. The far-left column tells us that the score for the indicator is calculated as follows; (where the section and evidence scores are all fractions between 0 and 1):

Indicator score = (Employee groups with financial consequences fractional score X 1) + (employee groups with non-financial consequences X 1/2) X evidence score X 3.55 points

If the respondent achieved the maximum fractional score for the second section, with partially accepted evidence (resulting in a multiplier of 0.5), the score would be:

(0 + 1/2) X 0.5 X 3.55 points = 0.89 points

If the respondent achieved maximum fractional score for the first section, with fully accepted evidence (resulting in a multiplier of 1), the score would be:

(1+0/2) X 1 X 3.55 points = 3.55 points

Management: Leadership

This aspect consists of 6 indicators (10% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)


2020 Indicator

1.44 points , G

This indicator is scored as a one section indicator consisting of a checklist of elements. Evidence is not required. Points are evenly divided between the selected elements, with maximum points awarded if all checkboxes have been selected.

Not scored , G

This indicator is not scored and is for reporting purposes only.


2020 Indicator

2.84 points , G

This indicator is scored as a two section indicator. Section 1 covers the checklist, i.e. the elements the entity has selected, and section 2 covers the evidence provided.

Section 1:Fractional points are awarded to each objective type and then aggregated to calculate the final fractional score. It is not necessary to select all checkboxes in order to obtain the maximum score for this indicator. The objectives are not assigned equal weights, with non-publicly available objectives scoring lower.

Section 2:‘Evidence’ is mandatory for this indicator. The validation status of the evidence (also see: ‘Validation’) affects the final score for the indicator through a multiplier, as below:

Validation status Score
Accepted 2/2
Partially accepted 1/2
Not accepted/not provided 0

The aggregated score for the checkboxes selected in section 1 of the indicator will be multiplied by the evidence multiplier to give the final absolute score for the indicator.

1.44 points , G

This indicator is scored as a one section indicator consisting of a checklist of elements. Evidence is not required.

Points are awarded based on the selected elements, with some options receiving more points. Selecting all checkboxes is not required in order to score maximum points.

The "climate-related risks and opportunities" elements of this indicator are not scored and are for reporting purposes only.

1.44 points , G

This indicator is scored as a one section indicator consisting of a checklist of elements. Evidence is not required.

Points are evenly divided between the selected elements. Any ‘other’ answer provided will be manually validated and must be accepted before achieving the respective fractional score. If you have multiple ‘other’ answers accepted, only one will be counted towards the score.

The "climate-related risks and opportunities" elements of this indicator are not scored and are for reporting purposes only.

2.84 points , G

This indicator is scored as a two section indicator. Section 1 covers the checklist, i.e. the elements the entity has selected, and section 2 covers the evidence provided.

Section 1:Fractional points are awarded based on the type of consequence and the selected employee group(s) and then aggregated to calculate the final fractional score. It is not necessary to select all checkboxes in order to obtain the maximum score for this indicator. The employee groups are not assigned equal weights. If an ‘other’ answer has been provided, this will be eligible for a fractional score (depending on validation status).

Section 2:‘‘Evidence’ is mandatory for this indicator. The validation status of the evidence (also see: ‘Validation’) affects the final score for the indicator through a multiplier, as below:

Validation status Score
Accepted 2/2
Partially accepted 1/2
Not accepted/not provided 0

The aggregated score for the checkboxes selected in section 1 of the indicator will be multiplied by the evidence multiplier to give the final absolute score for the indicator.

Any ‘other’ answer provided will be manually validated and must be accepted before achieving the respective fractional score. If you have multiple ‘other’ answers accepted, only one will be counted towards the score.

Management: Policies

This aspect consists of 3 indicators (4.3% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)


2020 Indicator

1.44 points , E

This indicator is scored as a two section indicator. Section 1 covers the checklist, i.e. the elements the entity has selected, and section 2 covers the evidence provided.

Section 1: For section 1 of the indicator, fractional points are awarded for those elements in the checklist that are:

  1. Selected by the entity (i.e., the numerator)
  2. Material to the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (see output and guidance under RC7) (i.e., the denominator)

It is therefore not necessary to select all checkboxes to receive maximum points; only the issues that are material will be scored. The obtained fractional points are aggregated to calculate the indicator’s final score.

If an ‘other’ answer is provided, this will first be manually validated (see paragraph ‘Validation’) and must be accepted before it will achieve a fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score. Any accepted ‘other’ answers will be scored at ‘Medium relevance’.

Section 2: ‘Evidence’ is mandatory for this indicator. The validation status of the evidence (also see: ‘Validation’) affects the final score for the indicator through a multiplier, as below:

Validation status Score
Accepted 2/2
Partially accepted 1/2
Not accepted/not provided 0

The aggregated score for the checkboxes selected in section 1 of the indicator will be multiplied by the evidence multiplier to give the final absolute score for the indicator.

Materiality-based scoring:

The scoring of this indicator links to the materiality for the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

Specific materiality weightings are assigned to the entity for each ESG issue as described in (RC7). The weightings are set at one of four levels for each of the ESG issues:

  • No relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Low relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Medium relevance (weighting: 1)
  • High relevance (weighting: 2)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ it is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the issue counts towards the score with ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 1). If an issue is of 'High relevance' the issue counts towards the score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 2).

All issues of ‘Medium relevance’ and ‘High relevance’ need to be selected and addressed in the evidence to obtain the maximum score. For more details on how materiality is determined, download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

1.44 points , S

This indicator is scored as a two section indicator. Section 1 covers the checklist, i.e. the elements the entity has selected, and section 2 covers the evidence provided.

Section 1: For section 1 of the indicator, fractional points are awarded for those elements in the checklist that are:

  1. Selected by the entity (i.e., the numerator)
  2. Material to the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (see output and guidance under RC7) (i.e., the denominator)

It is therefore not necessary to select all checkboxes to receive maximum points; only the issues that are material will be scored. The obtained fractional points are aggregated to calculate the indicator’s final score.

If an ‘other’ answer is provided, this will first be manually validated (see paragraph ‘Validation’) and must be accepted before it will achieve a fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score. Any accepted ‘other’ answers will be scored at ‘Medium relevance’.

Section 2: ‘Evidence’ is mandatory for this indicator. The validation status of the evidence (also see: ‘Validation’) affects the final score for the indicator through a multiplier, as below:

Validation status Score
Accepted 2/2
Partially accepted 1/2
Not accepted/not provided 0

The aggregated score for the checkboxes selected in section 1 of the indicator will be multiplied by the evidence multiplier to give the final absolute score for the indicator.

Materiality-based scoring:

The scoring of this indicator links to the materiality for the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

Specific materiality weightings are assigned to the entity for each ESG issue as described in (RC7). The weightings are set at one of four levels for each of the ESG issues:

  • No relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Low relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Medium relevance (weighting: 1)
  • High relevance (weighting: 2)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ it is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the issue counts towards the score with ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 1). If an issue is of 'High relevance' the issue counts towards the score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 2).

All issues of ‘Medium relevance’ and ‘High relevance’ need to be selected and addressed in the evidence to obtain the maximum score. For more details on how materiality is determined, download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

1.44 points , G

This indicator is scored as a two section indicator. Section 1 covers the checklist, i.e. the elements the entity has selected, and section 2 covers the evidence provided.

Section 1: For section 1 of the indicator, fractional points are awarded for those elements in the checklist that are:

  1. Selected by the entity (i.e., the numerator)
  2. Material to the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (see output and guidance under RC7) (i.e., the denominator)

It is therefore not necessary to select all checkboxes to receive maximum points; only the issues that are material will be scored. The obtained fractional points are aggregated to calculate the indicator’s final score.

If an ‘other’ answer is provided, this will first be manually validated (see paragraph ‘Validation’) and must be accepted before it will achieve a fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score. Any accepted ‘other’ answers will be scored at ‘Medium relevance’.

Section 2: ‘Evidence’ is mandatory for this indicator. The validation status of the evidence (also see: ‘Validation’) affects the final score for the indicator through a multiplier, as below:

Validation status Score
Accepted 2/2
Partially accepted 1/2
Not accepted/not provided 0

The aggregated score for the checkboxes selected in section 1 of the indicator will be multiplied by the evidence multiplier to give the final absolute score for the indicator.

Materiality-based scoring:

The scoring of this indicator links to the materiality for the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

Specific materiality weightings are assigned to the entity for each ESG issue as described in (RC7). The weightings are set at one of four levels for each of the ESG issues:

  • No relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Low relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Medium relevance (weighting: 1)
  • High relevance (weighting: 2)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ it is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the issue counts towards the score with ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 1). If an issue is of 'High relevance' the issue counts towards the score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 2).

All issues of ‘Medium relevance’ and ‘High relevance’ need to be selected and addressed in the evidence to obtain the maximum score. For more details on how materiality is determined, download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Management: Reporting

This aspect consists of 3 indicators (4.3% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)


2020 Indicator

2.84 points , G

This indicator is scored as a two section indicator. Section 1 covers the checklist, i.e. the elements the entity has selected, and section 2 covers the evidence provided.

Section 1: For section 1 of the indicator, fractional points are awarded based on reporting level, alignment, and third party review. Disclosure methods are not equally scored. It is not necessary to select all reporting methods to receive maximum points. The obtained fractional points are aggregated to calculate the indicator’s final score.

If an ‘other’ answer is provided, this will first be manually validated (see paragraph ‘Validation’) and must be accepted before it will achieve the respective fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score. Any accepted ‘other’ answers will be awarded fractional points.

Section 2: ‘Evidence’ is mandatory for this indicator. The validation status of the evidence (also see: ‘Validation’) affects the final score for the indicator through a multiplier, as below:

Validation status Score
Accepted 2/2
Partially accepted 1/2
Not accepted/not provided 0

The aggregated score for the checkboxes selected in section 1 of the indicator will be multiplied by the evidence multiplier to give the final absolute score for the indicator.

1.44 points , G

This indicator is scored as a one section indicator consisting of a checklist of elements. Evidence is not required.

Fractional points are awarded based on the selection of the elements. This indicator applies a diminishing increase in score approach, which means that the fractional score achieved for the first data point will be higher than the fractional score achieved for the second, which again will be higher than for the third, and so on. Also see the GRESB 2021 Asset Assessment Scoring Document.

Any ‘other’ answer provided will be manually validated and must be accepted before achieving the respective fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score.

Diminishing Increase in Score approach: This indicator is scored based on a Diminishing Increase in Score approach, per additional checkbox selected. In the scoring document this is represented by the blue line.

NB: The information in RP2.1 and RP2.2 may be used as criteria for the recognition of 2021 Sector Leaders.

Not scored , G

This indicator is not scored and is used for reporting purposes only.

Management: Risk Management

This aspect consists of 12 indicators (15.7% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)

Risk Management

2020 Indicator

2.84 points , G

This indicator is scored as a two section indicator. Section 1 covers the checklist, i.e. the elements the entity has selected, and section 2 covers the evidence provided.

Section 1: This section consists of three sub-sections: i.) accreditation to a management standard(s), ii.) alignment to a management standard(s) and iii.) management system with no accreditation. Fractional points are awarded based on selected accreditation or alignment to a management standard. See the GRESB 2021 Asset Assessment Scoring Document for more information. No fractional points are awarded for having a management system with no alignment to an ESG-related management standard. It is not necessary to select all reporting methods to receive maximum points. The obtained fractional points are aggregated to calculate the indicator’s final score.

If an ‘other’ answer is provided, this will first be manually validated (see paragraph ‘Validation’) and must be accepted before it will achieve the respective fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score. Any accepted ‘other’ answers will be awarded fractional points.

Diminishing Increase in Score approach: This indicator is scored based on a Diminishing Increase in Score approach, per additional checkbox selected. In the scoring document this is represented by the blue line.

Section 2: ‘Evidence’ is mandatory for this indicator. The validation status of the evidence (also see: ‘Validation’) affects the final score for the indicator through a multiplier, as below:

Validation status Score
Accepted 2/2
Partially accepted 1/2
Not accepted/not provided 0

The aggregated score for the checkboxes selected in section 1 of the indicator will be multiplied by the evidence multiplier to give the final absolute score for the indicator.

Risk Assessments

2020 Indicator

2.84 points , E

This indicator is scored as a two section indicator. Section 1 covers the checklist, i.e. the elements the entity has selected, and section 2 covers the evidence provided.

Section 1: For section 1 of the indicator, fractional points are awarded for those elements in the checklist that are:

  1. Selected by the entity (i.e., the numerator)
  2. Material to the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (see output and guidance under RC7) (i.e., the denominator)

It is therefore not necessary to select all checkboxes to receive maximum points; only the issues that are material will be scored. The obtained fractional points are aggregated to calculate the indicator’s final score.

If an ‘other’ answer is provided, this will first be manually validated (see paragraph ‘Validation’) and must be accepted before it will achieve a fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score. Any accepted ‘other’ answers will be scored at ‘Medium relevance’.

Section 2: ‘Evidence’ is mandatory for this indicator. The validation status of the evidence (also see: ‘Validation’) affects the final score for the indicator through a multiplier, as below:

Validation status Score
Accepted 2/2
Partially accepted 1/2
Not accepted/not provided 0

The aggregated score for the checkboxes selected in section 1 of the indicator will be multiplied by the evidence multiplier to give the final absolute score for the indicator.

Materiality-based scoring:

The scoring of this indicator links to the materiality for the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

Specific materiality weightings are assigned to the entity for each ESG issue as described in (RC7). The weightings are set at one of four levels for each of the ESG issues:

  • No relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Low relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Medium relevance (weighting: 1)
  • High relevance (weighting: 2)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ it is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the issue counts towards the score with ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 1). If an issue is of 'High relevance' the issue counts towards the score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 2).

All issues of ‘Medium relevance’ and ‘High relevance’ need to be selected and addressed in the evidence to obtain the maximum score. For more details on how materiality is determined, download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

2.84 points , S

This indicator is scored as a two section indicator. Section 1 covers the checklist, i.e. the elements the entity has selected, and section 2 covers the evidence provided.

Section 1: For section 1 of the indicator, fractional points are awarded for those elements in the checklist that are:

  1. Selected by the entity (i.e., the numerator)
  2. Material to the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (see output and guidance under RC7) (i.e., the denominator)

It is therefore not necessary to select all checkboxes to receive maximum points; only the issues that are material will be scored. The obtained fractional points are aggregated to calculate the indicator’s final score.

If an ‘other’ answer is provided, this will first be manually validated (see paragraph ‘Validation’) and must be accepted before it will achieve a fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score. Any accepted ‘other’ answers will be scored at ‘Medium relevance’.

Section 2: ‘Evidence’ is mandatory for this indicator. The validation status of the evidence (also see: ‘Validation’) affects the final score for the indicator through a multiplier, as below:

Validation status Score
Accepted 2/2
Partially accepted 1/2
Not accepted/not provided 0

The aggregated score for the checkboxes selected in section 1 of the indicator will be multiplied by the evidence multiplier to give the final absolute score for the indicator.

Materiality-based scoring:

The scoring of this indicator links to the materiality for the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

Specific materiality weightings are assigned to the entity for each ESG issue as described in (RC7). The weightings are set at one of four levels for each of the ESG issues:

  • No relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Low relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Medium relevance (weighting: 1)
  • High relevance (weighting: 2)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ it is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the issue counts towards the score with ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 1). If an issue is of 'High relevance' the issue counts towards the score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 2).

All issues of ‘Medium relevance’ and ‘High relevance’ need to be selected and addressed in the evidence to obtain the maximum score. For more details on how materiality is determined, download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

2.84 points , G

This indicator is scored as a two section indicator. Section 1 covers the checklist, i.e. the elements the entity has selected, and section 2 covers the evidence provided.

Section 1: For section 1 of the indicator, fractional points are awarded for those elements in the checklist that are:

  1. Selected by the entity (i.e., the numerator)
  2. Material to the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (see output and guidance under RC7) (i.e., the denominator)

It is therefore not necessary to select all checkboxes to receive maximum points; only the issues that are material will be scored. The obtained fractional points are aggregated to calculate the indicator’s final score.

If an ‘other’ answer is provided, this will first be manually validated (see paragraph ‘Validation’) and must be accepted before it will achieve a fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score. Any accepted ‘other’ answers will be scored at ‘Medium relevance’.

Section 2: ‘Evidence’ is mandatory for this indicator. The validation status of the evidence (also see: ‘Validation’) affects the final score for the indicator through a multiplier, as below:

Validation status Score
Accepted 2/2
Partially accepted 1/2
Not accepted/not provided 0

The aggregated score for the checkboxes selected in section 1 of the indicator will be multiplied by the evidence multiplier to give the final absolute score for the indicator.

Materiality-based scoring:

The scoring of this indicator links to the materiality for the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

Specific materiality weightings are assigned to the entity for each ESG issue as described in (RC7). The weightings are set at one of four levels for each of the ESG issues:

  • No relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Low relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Medium relevance (weighting: 1)
  • High relevance (weighting: 2)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ it is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the issue counts towards the score with ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 1). If an issue is of 'High relevance' the issue counts towards the score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 2).

All issues of ‘Medium relevance’ and ‘High relevance’ need to be selected and addressed in the evidence to obtain the maximum score. For more details on how materiality is determined, download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Climate-related Risk Management

2020 Indicator

Not scored , G

This indicator is not scored and used for reporting purposes only.

See the Scoring Document for additional information on scoring.

Not scored , G

This indicator is not scored and used for reporting purposes only.

See the Scoring Document for additional information on scoring.

Not scored , G

This indicator is not scored and used for reporting purposes only.

See the Scoring Document for additional information on scoring.

Not scored , G

This indicator is not scored and used for reporting purposes only.

See the Scoring Document for additional information on scoring.

Not scored , G

This indicator is not scored and used for reporting purposes only.

See the Scoring Document for additional information on scoring.

ESG Monitoring

2020 Indicator

1.44 points , E

This indicator is scored as a one section indicator consisting of a checklist of elements. Evidence is not required.

Fractional points are awarded for those elements in the checklist that are:

  1. Selected by the entity (i.e., the numerator)
  2. Material to the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (see output and guidance under RC7) (i.e., the denominator)

It is therefore not necessary to select all checkboxes to receive maximum points; only the issues that are material will be scored. The obtained fractional points are aggregated to calculate the indicator’s final score.

If an ‘other’ answer is provided, this will first be manually validated (see paragraph ‘Validation’) and must be accepted before it will achieve a fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score. Any accepted ‘other’ answers will be scored at ‘Medium relevance’.

Materiality-based scoring:

The scoring of this indicator links to the materiality for the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

Specific materiality weightings are assigned to the entity for each ESG issue as described in (RC7). The weightings are set at one of four levels for each of the ESG issues:

  • No relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Low relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Medium relevance (weighting: 1)
  • High relevance (weighting: 2)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ it is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the issue counts towards the score with ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 1). If an issue is of 'High relevance' the issue counts towards the score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 2).

All issues of ‘Medium relevance’ and ‘High relevance’ need to be selected and addressed in the evidence to obtain the maximum score. For more details on how materiality is determined, download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

1.44 points , S

This indicator is scored as a one section indicator consisting of a checklist of elements. Evidence is not required.

Fractional points are awarded for those elements in the checklist that are:

  1. Selected by the entity (i.e., the numerator)
  2. Material to the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (see output and guidance under RC7) (i.e., the denominator)

It is therefore not necessary to select all checkboxes to receive maximum points; only the issues that are material will be scored. The obtained fractional points are aggregated to calculate the indicator’s final score.

If an ‘other’ answer is provided, this will first be manually validated (see paragraph ‘Validation’) and must be accepted before it will achieve a fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score. Any accepted ‘other’ answers will be scored at ‘Medium relevance’.

Materiality-based scoring:

The scoring of this indicator links to the materiality for the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

Specific materiality weightings are assigned to the entity for each ESG issue as described in (RC7). The weightings are set at one of four levels for each of the ESG issues:

  • No relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Low relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Medium relevance (weighting: 1)
  • High relevance (weighting: 2)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ it is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the issue counts towards the score with ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 1). If an issue is of 'High relevance' the issue counts towards the score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 2).

All issues of ‘Medium relevance’ and ‘High relevance’ need to be selected and addressed in the evidence to obtain the maximum score. For more details on how materiality is determined, download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

1.44 points

This indicator is scored as a one section indicator consisting of a checklist of elements. Evidence is not required.

Fractional points are awarded for those elements in the checklist that are:

  1. Selected by the entity (i.e., the numerator)
  2. Material to the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (see output and guidance under RC7) (i.e., the denominator)

It is therefore not necessary to select all checkboxes to receive maximum points; only the issues that are material will be scored. The obtained fractional points are aggregated to calculate the indicator’s final score.

If an ‘other’ answer is provided, this will first be manually validated (see paragraph ‘Validation’) and must be accepted before it will achieve a fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score. Any accepted ‘other’ answers will be scored at ‘Medium relevance’.

Materiality-based scoring:

The scoring of this indicator links to the materiality for the entity, as determined by the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

Specific materiality weightings are assigned to the entity for each ESG issue as described in (RC7). The weightings are set at one of four levels for each of the ESG issues:

  • No relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Low relevance (weighting: 0)
  • Medium relevance (weighting: 1)
  • High relevance (weighting: 2)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ it is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the issue counts towards the score with ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 1). If an issue is of 'High relevance' the issue counts towards the score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting (i.e. 2).

All issues of ‘Medium relevance’ and ‘High relevance’ need to be selected and addressed in the evidence to obtain the maximum score. For more details on how materiality is determined, download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Management: Stakeholder Engagement

This aspect consists of 4 indicators (5.7% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)

Stakeholder Engagement

2020 Indicator

2.84 points , S

This indicator is scored as a one section indicator consisting of a checklist of elements. Evidence is not required.

Fractional points are awarded based on the selection of the elements. This indicator applies a diminishing increase in score approach, which means that the fractional score achieved for the first data point will be higher than the fractional score achieved for the second, which again will be higher than for the third, and so on. Also see the GRESB 2021 Asset Assessment Scoring Document.

Other: Any ‘other’ answer provided will be manually validated and must be accepted before achieving the respective fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score.

Any ‘other’ answer provided will be manually validated and must be accepted before achieving the respective fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score.

Diminishing Increase in Score approach: This indicator is scored based on a Diminishing Increase in Score approach, per additional checkbox selected. In the scoring document this is represented by the blue line.

1.44 points , S

This indicator is scored as a one section indicator consisting of a checklist of elements. Evidence is not required.

Fractional points are awarded based on the selection of the elements. This indicator applies a diminishing increase in score approach, which means that the fractional score achieved for the first data point will be higher than the fractional score achieved for the second, which again will be higher than for the third, and so on. Also see the GRESB 2021 Asset Assessment Scoring Document.

Other: Any ‘other’ answer provided will be manually validated and must be accepted before achieving the respective fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score.

Any ‘other’ answer provided will be manually validated and must be accepted before achieving the respective fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score.

Diminishing Increase in Score approach: This indicator is scored based on a Diminishing Increase in Score approach, per additional checkbox selected. In the scoring document this is represented by the blue line.

1.44 points , S

This indicator is scored as a one section indicator consisting of a checklist of elements. Evidence is not required.

Fractional points are awarded based on the selection of the elements. This indicator applies a diminishing increase in score approach, which means that the fractional score achieved for the first data point will be higher than the fractional score achieved for the second, which again will be higher than for the third, and so on. Also see the GRESB 2021 Asset Assessment Scoring Document.

Other: Any ‘other’ answer provided will be manually validated and must be accepted before achieving the respective fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score.

Any ‘other’ answer provided will be manually validated and must be accepted before achieving the respective fractional score. If multiple ‘other’ answers are listed, more than one may be accepted in manual validation, but only one will be counted towards the score.

Diminishing Increase in Score approach: This indicator is scored based on a Diminishing Increase in Score approach, per additional checkbox selected. In the scoring document this is represented by the blue line.

Not scored , S

This indicator is not scored and is for reporting purposes only.

Performance: Implementation

This aspect consists of 3 indicators (0% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)


2020 Indicator

Not scored , E

This indicator is not scored.

Not scored , S

This indicator is not scored.

Not scored , G

This indicator is not scored.

Performance: Output & Impact

This aspect consists of 1 indicators (0% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)

Output & Impact

2020 Indicator

Not scored

This indicator is not scored.

Performance: Energy

This aspect consists of 1 indicators (4.1% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)


2020 Indicator

Determined by materiality , E

Materiality-based Scoring: This indicator applies materiality-based scoring. The materiality weighting for this indicator is determined by the materiality level of the ‘Energy’ issue in the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

The weighting of this indicator is determined by the materiality outcome of the issue, which is set at one of four levels:

  • No relevance (unscored)
  • Low relevance (unscored)
  • Medium relevance (scored at medium weighting)
  • High relevance (scored at high weighting)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ the indicator is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0%). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with ‘standard’ weighting. If an issue is of 'High relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting.

As a result, the weight of this indicator may differ for each participant based on its materiality profile. The weighting of the material (scored) indicators in the Performance Component is automatically redistributed to ensure that the Component retains its overall weighting of 60% of the Asset Assessment. For more details download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Scoring of Metrics: This indicator is scored as a one-section indicator where evidence is optional. Only the metric in the performance table cells shaded in light green or orange is used for scoring:

  • For participants whose primary sector is ‘Power Generation x-Renewables’ or ‘Renewable Power’, only the “Total” metric in the Energy exported/sold table is scored, as indicated by orange shading of the cells.
  • For all other sectors, only the “Total” metric in the Energy consumed table is scored, as indicated by green shading of the cells.

For the scored metric only, all columns (“Reporting-year performance”, “Reporting-year target” and “Future-year target”) should be completed to obtain points as follows:

  • 60% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a value in “Reporting-year performance”.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Reporting-year target”. For 2021, scoring is based on whether a target was set, not on whether the target was achieved.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Future-year target”. For 2021, scoring will be based on whether a target was set, not on whether the entity is on track to achieve the target.

Reporting of external data review and exceptions are not scored in 2021.

Performance: Greenhouse Gas Emissions

This aspect consists of 1 indicators (4.1% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

2020 Indicator

Determined by materiality , E

Materiality-based Scoring: This indicator applies materiality-based scoring. The materiality weighting for this indicator is determined by the materiality level of the ‘Greenhouse gas emissions’ issue in the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

The weighting of this indicator is determined by the materiality outcome of the issue, which is set at one of four levels:

  • No relevance (unscored)
  • Low relevance (unscored)
  • Medium relevance (scored at medium weighting)
  • High relevance (scored at high weighting)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ the indicator is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0%). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with ‘standard’ weighting. If an issue is of 'High relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting.

As a result, the weight of this indicator may differ for each participant based on its materiality profile. The weighting of the material (scored) indicators in the Performance Component is automatically redistributed to ensure that the Component retains its overall weighting of 60% of the Asset Assessment. For more details download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Scoring of Metrics: This indicator is scored as a one-section indicator where evidence is optional. Only the metric in the performance table cells shaded in light green or orange is used for scoring:

  • For participants whose primary sector is ‘Renewable Power’, only the “Avoided emissions” metric in the Total greenhouse gas emissions table is scored, as indicated by orange shading of the cells.
  • For all other sectors, only the “Net GHG emissions (Scope 1 + 2)” metric in the Energy consumed table is scored, as indicated by green shading of the cells. The other cells shaded in green should be completed to obtain the reporting-year value for this metric.

For the scored metric only, all columns (“Reporting-year performance”, “Reporting-year target” and “Future-year target”) should be completed to obtain points as follows:

  • 60% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a value in “Reporting-year performance”.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Reporting-year target”. For 2021, scoring is based on whether a target was set, not on whether the target was achieved.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Future-year target”. For 2021, scoring will be based on whether a target was set, not on whether the entity is on track to achieve the target.

Reporting of scope 2 emissions methodology, external data review, science-based targets and exceptions are not scored in 2021.

Performance: Air Pollution

This aspect consists of 1 indicators (4.1% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)

Air Pollution

2020 Indicator

Determined by materiality , E

Materiality-based Scoring: This indicator applies materiality-based scoring. The materiality weighting for this indicator is determined by the materiality level of the ‘Air pollution’ issue in the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

The weighting of this indicator is determined by the materiality outcome of the issue, which is set at one of four levels:

  • No relevance (unscored)
  • Low relevance (unscored)
  • Medium relevance (scored at medium weighting)
  • High relevance (scored at high weighting)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ the indicator is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0%). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with ‘standard’ weighting. If an issue is of 'High relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting.

As a result, the weight of this indicator may differ for each participant based on its materiality profile. The weighting of the material (scored) indicators in the Performance Component is automatically redistributed to ensure that the Component retains its overall weighting of 60% of the Asset Assessment. For more details download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Scoring of Metrics: This indicator is scored as a one-section indicator where evidence is optional. Only the metric in the performance table cells shaded in light green is used for scoring. The only scored metric for Air Pollution is “Non-compliances”.

For the scored metric only, all columns (“Reporting-year performance”, “Reporting-year target” and “Future-year target”) should be completed to obtain points as follows:

  • 60% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a value in “Reporting-year performance”.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Reporting-year target”. For 2021, scoring is based on whether a target was set, not on whether the target was achieved.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Future-year target”. For 2021, scoring will be based on whether a target was set, not on whether the entity is on track to achieve the target.

Reporting of external data review and exceptions are not scored in 2021.

Performance: Water

This aspect consists of 2 indicators (8.2% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)


2020 Indicator

Determined by materiality , E

Materiality-based Scoring: This indicator applies materiality-based scoring. The materiality weighting for this indicator is determined by the materiality level of the ‘Water inflows/withdrawal’ issue in the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

The weighting of this indicator is determined by the materiality outcome of the issue, which is set at one of four levels:

  • No relevance (unscored)
  • Low relevance (unscored)
  • Medium relevance (scored at medium weighting)
  • High relevance (scored at high weighting)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ the indicator is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0%). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with ‘standard’ weighting. If an issue is of 'High relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting.

As a result, the weight of this indicator may differ for each participant based on its materiality profile. The weighting of the material (scored) indicators in the Performance Component is automatically redistributed to ensure that the Component retains its overall weighting of 60% of the Asset Assessment. For more details download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Scoring of Metrics: This indicator is scored as a one-section indicator where evidence is optional. Only the metric in the performance table cells shaded in light green is used for scoring. The only scored metric for Water inflows/withdrawals is “Total withdrawals”.

For the scored metric only, all columns (“Reporting-year performance”, “Reporting-year target” and “Future-year target”) should be completed to obtain points as follows:

  • 60% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a value in “Reporting-year performance”.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Reporting-year target”. For 2021, scoring is based on whether a target was set, not on whether the target was achieved.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Future-year target”. For 2021, scoring will be based on whether a target was set, not on whether the entity is on track to achieve the target.

Reporting of external data review and exceptions are not scored in 2021.

Determined by materiality , E

Materiality-based Scoring: This indicator applies materiality-based scoring. The materiality weighting for this indicator is determined by the materiality level of the ‘Water outflows/discharges’ issue in the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

The weighting of this indicator is determined by the materiality outcome of the issue, which is set at one of four levels:

  • No relevance (unscored)
  • Low relevance (unscored)
  • Medium relevance (scored at medium weighting)
  • High relevance (scored at high weighting)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ the indicator is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0%). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with ‘standard’ weighting. If an issue is of 'High relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting.

As a result, the weight of this indicator may differ for each participant based on its materiality profile. The weighting of the material (scored) indicators in the Performance Component is automatically redistributed to ensure that the Component retains its overall weighting of 60% of the Asset Assessment. For more details download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Scoring of Metrics: This indicator is scored as a one-section indicator where evidence is optional. Only the metric in the performance table cells shaded in light green is used for scoring. The only scored metric for Water outflows/discharges is “Total sensitive discharge”.

For the scored metric only, all columns (“Reporting-year performance”, “Reporting-year target” and “Future-year target”) should be completed to obtain points as follows:

  • 60% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a value in “Reporting-year performance”.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Reporting-year target”. For 2021, scoring is based on whether a target was set, not on whether the target was achieved.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Future-year target”. For 2021, scoring will be based on whether a target was set, not on whether the entity is on track to achieve the target.

Reporting of external data review and exceptions are not scored in 2021.

Performance: Waste

This aspect consists of 1 indicators (4.1% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)


2020 Indicator

Determined by materiality , E

Materiality-based Scoring: This indicator applies materiality-based scoring. The materiality weighting for this indicator is determined by the materiality level of the ‘Waste’ issue in the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

The weighting of this indicator is determined by the materiality outcome of the issue, which is set at one of four levels:

  • No relevance (unscored)
  • Low relevance (unscored)
  • Medium relevance (scored at medium weighting)
  • High relevance (scored at high weighting)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ the indicator is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0%). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with ‘standard’ weighting. If an issue is of 'High relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting.

As a result, the weight of this indicator may differ for each participant based on its materiality profile. The weighting of the material (scored) indicators in the Performance Component is automatically redistributed to ensure that the Component retains its overall weighting of 60% of the Asset Assessment. For more details download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Scoring of Metrics: This indicator is scored as a one-section indicator where evidence is optional. Only the metric in the performance table cells shaded in light green is used for scoring. The only scored metric for Waste is “Total diverted from landfill/incineration”.

For the scored metric only, all columns (“Reporting-year performance”, “Reporting-year target” and “Future-year target”) should be completed to obtain points as follows:

  • 60% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a value in “Reporting-year performance”.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Reporting-year target”. For 2021, scoring is based on whether a target was set, not on whether the target was achieved.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Future-year target”. For 2021, scoring will be based on whether a target was set, not on whether the entity is on track to achieve the target.

Reporting of external data review and exceptions are not scored in 2021.

Performance: Biodiversity & Habitat

This aspect consists of 1 indicators (4.1% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)

Biodiversity & Habitat

2020 Indicator

Determined by materiality , E

Materiality-based Scoring: This indicator applies materiality-based scoring. The materiality weighting for this indicator is determined by the materiality level of the ‘Biodiversity & Habitat’ issue in the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

The weighting of this indicator is determined by the materiality outcome of the issue, which is set at one of four levels:

  • No relevance (unscored)
  • Low relevance (unscored)
  • Medium relevance (scored at medium weighting)
  • High relevance (scored at high weighting)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ the indicator is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0%). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with ‘standard’ weighting. If an issue is of 'High relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting.

As a result, the weight of this indicator may differ for each participant based on its materiality profile. The weighting of the material (scored) indicators in the Performance Component is automatically redistributed to ensure that the Component retains its overall weighting of 60% of the Asset Assessment. For more details download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Scoring of Metrics: This indicator is scored as a one-section indicator where evidence is optional. Only the metric in the performance table cells shaded in light green is used for scoring. The only scored metric for Biodiversity & Habitat is “Net habitat gain”.

For the scored metric only, all columns (“Reporting-year performance”, “Reporting-year target” and “Future-year target”) should be completed to obtain points as follows:

  • 60% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a value in “Reporting-year performance”.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Reporting-year target”. For 2021, scoring is based on whether a target was set, not on whether the target was achieved.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Future-year target”. For 2021, scoring will be based on whether a target was set, not on whether the entity is on track to achieve the target.

Reporting of external data review and exceptions are not scored in 2021.

Performance: Health & Safety

This aspect consists of 4 indicators (16.3% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)

Health & Safety

2020 Indicator

Determined by materiality , S

Materiality-based Scoring: This indicator applies materiality-based scoring. The materiality weighting for this indicator is determined by the materiality level of the ‘Health and Safety: employees’ issue in the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

The weighting of this indicator is determined by the materiality outcome of the issue, which is set at one of four levels:

  • No relevance (unscored)
  • Low relevance (unscored)
  • Medium relevance (scored at medium weighting)
  • High relevance (scored at high weighting)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ the indicator is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0%). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with ‘standard’ weighting. If an issue is of 'High relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting.

As a result, the weight of this indicator may differ for each participant based on its materiality profile. The weighting of the material (scored) indicators in the Performance Component is automatically redistributed to ensure that the Component retains its overall weighting of 60% of the Asset Assessment. For more details download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Scoring of Metrics: This indicator is scored as a one-section indicator where evidence is optional. Only the metric in the performance table cells shaded in light green is used for scoring. The scored metrics for Health & Safety: Employees are “Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)” and “Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR)”.

For the scored metrics only, all columns (“Reporting-year performance”, “Reporting-year target” and “Future-year target”) should be completed to obtain points as follows:

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (50% of HS1):

  • 30% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a value in “Reporting-year performance” for LTIFR.
  • 10% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Reporting-year target” LTIFR. For 2021, scoring is based on whether a target was set, not on whether the target was achieved.
  • 10% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Future-year target” for LTIFR. For 2021, scoring will be based on whether a target was set, not on whether the entity is on track to achieve the target.

Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (50% of HS1):

  • 30% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a value in “Reporting-year performance” for TRIFR.
  • 10% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Reporting-year target” for TRIFR. For 2021, scoring is based on whether a target was set, not on whether the target was achieved.
  • 10% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Future-year target” for TRIFR. For 2021, scoring will be based on whether a target was set, not on whether the entity is on track to achieve the target.

Reporting of external data review and exceptions are not scored in 2021.

Determined by materiality , S

Materiality-based Scoring: This indicator applies materiality-based scoring. The materiality weighting for this indicator is determined by the materiality level of the ‘Health and Safety: contractors’ issue in the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

The weighting of this indicator is determined by the materiality outcome of the issue, which is set at one of four levels:

  • No relevance (unscored)
  • Low relevance (unscored)
  • Medium relevance (scored at medium weighting)
  • High relevance (scored at high weighting)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ the indicator is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0%). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with ‘standard’ weighting. If an issue is of 'High relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting.

As a result, the weight of this indicator may differ for each participant based on its materiality profile. The weighting of the material (scored) indicators in the Performance Component is automatically redistributed to ensure that the Component retains its overall weighting of 60% of the Asset Assessment. For more details download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Scoring of Metrics: This indicator is scored as a one-section indicator where evidence is optional. Only the metric in the performance table cells shaded in light green is used for scoring. The scored metrics for Health & Safety: Employees are “Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)” and “Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR)”.

For the scored metrics only, all columns (“Reporting-year performance”, “Reporting-year target” and “Future-year target”) should be completed to obtain points as follows:

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (50% of HS1):

  • 30% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a value in “Reporting-year performance” for LTIFR.
  • 10% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Reporting-year target” LTIFR. For 2021, scoring is based on whether a target was set, not on whether the target was achieved.
  • 10% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Future-year target” for LTIFR. For 2021, scoring will be based on whether a target was set, not on whether the entity is on track to achieve the target.

Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (50% of HS1):

  • 30% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a value in “Reporting-year performance” for TRIFR.
  • 10% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Reporting-year target” for TRIFR. For 2021, scoring is based on whether a target was set, not on whether the target was achieved.
  • 10% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Future-year target” for TRIFR. For 2021, scoring will be based on whether a target was set, not on whether the entity is on track to achieve the target.

Reporting of external data review and exceptions are not scored in 2021.

Determined by materiality , S

Materiality-based Scoring: This indicator applies materiality-based scoring. The materiality weighting for this indicator is determined by the materiality level of the ‘Health and Safety: users’ issue in the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

The weighting of this indicator is determined by the materiality outcome of the issue, which is set at one of four levels:

  • No relevance (unscored)
  • Low relevance (unscored)
  • Medium relevance (scored at medium weighting)
  • High relevance (scored at high weighting)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ the indicator is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0%). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with ‘standard’ weighting. If an issue is of 'High relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting.

As a result, the weight of this indicator may differ for each participant based on its materiality profile. The weighting of the material (scored) indicators in the Performance Component is automatically redistributed to ensure that the Component retains its overall weighting of 60% of the Asset Assessment. For more details download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Scoring of Metrics: This indicator is scored as a one-section indicator where evidence is optional. Only the metric in the performance table cells shaded in light green is used for scoring. The only scored metric for Health & Safety: Users is “Total recordable injuries”.

For the scored metric only, all columns (“Reporting-year performance”, “Reporting-year target” and “Future-year target”) should be completed to obtain points as follows:

  • 60% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a value in “Reporting-year performance”.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Reporting-year target”. For 2021, scoring is based on whether a target was set, not on whether the target was achieved.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Future-year target”. For 2021, scoring will be based on whether a target was set, not on whether the entity is on track to achieve the target.

Reporting of external data review and exceptions are not scored in 2021.

Determined by materiality , S

Materiality-based Scoring: This indicator applies materiality-based scoring. The materiality weighting for this indicator is determined by the materiality level of the ‘Health and Safety: community’ issue in the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

The weighting of this indicator is determined by the materiality outcome of the issue, which is set at one of four levels:

  • No relevance (unscored)
  • Low relevance (unscored)
  • Medium relevance (scored at medium weighting)
  • High relevance (scored at high weighting)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ the indicator is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0%). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with ‘standard’ weighting. If an issue is of 'High relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting.

As a result, the weight of this indicator may differ for each participant based on its materiality profile. The weighting of the material (scored) indicators in the Performance Component is automatically redistributed to ensure that the Component retains its overall weighting of 60% of the Asset Assessment. For more details download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Scoring of Metrics: This indicator is scored as a one-section indicator where evidence is optional. Only the metric in the performance table cells shaded in light green is used for scoring. The only scored metric for Health & Safety: Community is “Total recordable injuries”.

For the scored metric only, all columns (“Reporting-year performance”, “Reporting-year target” and “Future-year target”) should be completed to obtain points as follows:

  • 60% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a value in “Reporting-year performance”.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Reporting-year target”. For 2021, scoring is based on whether a target was set, not on whether the target was achieved.
  • 20% of the indicator score will be based on the reporting of a target in “Future-year target”. For 2021, scoring will be based on whether a target was set, not on whether the entity is on track to achieve the target.

Reporting of external data review and exceptions are not scored in 2021.

Performance: Employees

This aspect consists of 1 indicators (8.2% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)


2020 Indicator

Determined by materiality , S

Materiality-based Scoring: This indicator applies materiality-based scoring. The materiality weighting for this indicator is determined by the materiality level of the ‘Employee engagement’ issue in the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

The weighting of this indicator is determined by the materiality outcome of the issue, which is set at one of four levels:

  • No relevance (unscored)
  • Low relevance (unscored)
  • Medium relevance (scored at medium weighting)
  • High relevance (scored at high weighting)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ the indicator is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0%). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with ‘standard’ weighting. If an issue is of 'High relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting.

As a result, the weight of this indicator may differ for each participant based on its materiality profile. The weighting of the material (scored) indicators in the Performance Component is automatically redistributed to ensure that the Component retains its overall weighting of 60% of the Asset Assessment. For more details download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Scoring of Metrics: This indicator is scored as a one section indicator consisting of a checklist of elements. Evidence is not required.

Fractional points are awarded for the options selected and then aggregated to calculate the final fractional score. It is not necessary to select all checkboxes in order to obtain the maximum score for this indicator. The options are not all assigned equal weights; more points are awarded when the survey was completed by an external party and if the Net Promoter Score was used.

The second part of the indicator, employee satisfaction monitoring, has two elements that are scored - employee satisfaction survey (fractionally ⅔ of this part) and using quantitative metrics within the survey (⅓). It is not necessary to select all options to achieve the maximum score. For the employee satisfaction survey, points are awarded for providing the percentage of employees covered by the survey for those undertaken internally or independently respectively. Full fractional score is obtained if the survey is undertaken by an independent third party versus internally. In regard to quantitative metrics (in the survey) full fractional score is obtained for using Net Promoter Score, with lesser score for other metrics.

Reporting of exceptions is not scored in 2021.

Determined by materiality , S

Materiality-based Scoring: This indicator applies materiality-based scoring. The materiality weighting for this indicator is determined by the materiality level of the ‘Inclusion and diversity’ issue in the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

The weighting of this indicator is determined by the materiality outcome of the issue, which is set at one of four levels:

  • No relevance (unscored)
  • Low relevance (unscored)
  • Medium relevance (scored at medium weighting)
  • High relevance (scored at high weighting)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ the indicator is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0%). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with ‘standard’ weighting. If an issue is of 'High relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting.

As a result, the weight of this indicator may differ for each participant based on its materiality profile. The weighting of the material (scored) indicators in the Performance Component is automatically redistributed to ensure that the Component retains its overall weighting of 60% of the Asset Assessment. For more details download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Scoring of Metrics: This indicator is scored as a one section indicator consisting of a checklist of elements. Evidence is not required. Fractional points are awarded for reporting values for:

  • Gender ratio of governance bodies
  • Gender ratio of all employees

Fractional points are aggregated to calculate the final fractional score. The options are assigned equal weights. Entities can only obtain maximum points for this indicator if they provide values for both the gender ratio of governance bodies and the gender ratio of all employees.

Reporting of exceptions is not scored in 2021.

Performance: Customers

This aspect consists of 1 indicators (4.1% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)


2020 Indicator

Determined by materiality , S

Materiality-based Scoring: This indicator applies materiality-based scoring. The materiality weighting for this indicator is determined by the materiality level of the ‘Customer satisfaction’ issue in the GRESB Materiality Assessment (RC7).

The weighting of this indicator is determined by the materiality outcome of the issue, which is set at one of four levels:

  • No relevance (unscored)
  • Low relevance (unscored)
  • Medium relevance (scored at medium weighting)
  • High relevance (scored at high weighting)

Where an issue is of 'No relevance' or ‘Low relevance’ the indicator is not considered in scoring (i.e. it has a weighting of 0%). If an issue is of 'Medium relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with ‘standard’ weighting. If an issue is of 'High relevance' the indicator counts towards the Performance Component score with higher than ‘standard’ weighting.

As a result, the weight of this indicator may differ for each participant based on its materiality profile. The weighting of the material (scored) indicators in the Performance Component is automatically redistributed to ensure that the Component retains its overall weighting of 60% of the Asset Assessment. For more details download the GRESB Materiality & Scoring Tool.

Scoring of Metrics: This indicator is scored as a one section indicator consisting of a checklist of elements. Evidence is not required.

Fractional points are awarded for the options selected and then aggregated to calculate the final fractional score. It is not necessary to select all checkboxes in order to obtain the maximum score for this indicator. The options are not all assigned equal weights; more points are awarded when the survey was completed by an external party and if the Net Promoter Score was used.

Reporting of exceptions is not scored in 2021.

Performance: Certifications & Awards

This aspect consists of 2 indicators (2.4% of the GRESB Score - Infrastructure Asset)

Certifications and Awards

2020 Indicator

2.88 points , G

This indicator is scored as a one section indicator consisting of providing information in the table and adding supporting evidence.

Supporting evidence is mandatory to obtain points. Your answer will not be scored unless the hyperlink and/or the uploaded document is considered valid. The evidence piece itself is not subject to manual validation. Maximum points are awarded when a participant completes the table for at least one certification.

Not scored , G

This indicator is not scored.